• Eating Disorders and Oral Health

    Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, can have devastating effects on your health, including your teeth. Anorexia is marked by an extreme restriction on how much is eaten, while bulimia is associated with binging and purging, or vomiting after eating. The effects on teeth and oral hygiene

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  • Oral Piercings

    Oral piercings can be found on the tongue, lip, cheek, or other soft tissue around the mouth. It’s important to consider potential complications stemming from oral piercings so that you can maintain your best oral health. Common problems associated with oral piercings: Swelling, bleeding, or infection Piercings

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  • Osteoporosis and Oral Health

    Our bodies keep our bones strong by absorbing old bone cells and replacing them with newer and stronger bone material. Osteoporosis is a condition that occurs when we absorb more bone than we replace, resulting in weakened bones. Osteoporosis can affect any part of the body, including the jawbone, and

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  • Pregnancy and Oral Health

    Due to changes in hormones, pregnant women might be more susceptible to oral health conditions, like gingivitis, tooth decay, and pregnancy tumors. Pregnancy gingivitis affects nearly 40% of pregnant women and looks like: Red and swollen gums Sensitivity of gums and teeth Bleeding after brushing or

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  • Dry Mouth

    Dry mouth, or xerostomia, occurs when the salivary glands can’t produce enough saliva to maintain a healthy oral environment. Symptoms of Dry Mouth Saliva helps us swallow, speak, taste, and digest. If you have a dry mouth, you can experience symptoms such as: A dry mouth and tongue A tingling or

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