• Bone Grafting

    The alveolar ridges are thickened ridges of bone on the upper and lower jaws. Teeth fit into sockets in these ridges, where they are held securely in place by periodontal ligaments. If the alveolar bone loses volume and density, that secure attachment is compromised. Bone grafting is a common surgical

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  • Dental Implant FAQs

    What are dental implants? A dental implant is a small post that serves as a replacement for a tooth root. An abutment, also known as a connector, is built and placed on the top of the implant, connecting to the replacement tooth. The replacement tooth is a crown that is created to uniquely match your

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  • Tooth Sensitivity

    Drinking hot and cold beverages, eating sweet or acidic foods, brushing your teeth, breathing through your mouth, biting down—if any of these normal activities are causing you pain, you’re probably experiencing tooth sensitivity. Tooth anatomy helps explain why teeth can become sensitive: Enamel

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  • Whitening Traumatized Teeth

    When it comes to cosmetic dental treatments, teeth whitening is the most popular because it offers a simple, safe, and effective way for you to achieve a better smile. However, the teeth whitening procedure can be more challenging depending on the condition of the teeth. Traumatized teeth, due to sports

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  • Root Canal FAQs

    What is a root canal? The roots of your teeth have small openings, called root canals, which allow blood vessels and nerve fibers to bring nutrients and sensation to your teeth. If infection occurs in or around these small openings, it can damage the pulp inside of the tooth. A root canal treatment is

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